Monday, July 25, 2011

Glitter Shoes

Last October I went to visit my friend Clark in Flagstaff, AZ for 10 days. As those who know me know, I'm am not at all organized and when it comes to my room/clothing, it gets even worse. The problem is the worst when I have to pack because it involves me being lazy, indecisive, and unorganized all wrapped into an awful mess. So it was not very surprising that for this trip I forgot to pack any shoes except the ones that I was wearing when I left, which were an old pair of Toms. Luckily, I was able to bike around on my own the first day while Clark was in school and eventually found a Target. I ended up getting a simple pair of white sneakers for only $9, basically Keds knockoffs. I had actually wanted a pair of white sneakers for a while, so I was sort of happy to actually need them. However, a few months ago I bought these: 

Therefore, my need for white sneakers was sort of taken care of. So I did this to the $9 pair:

They did turn out a little clumpy because I was too impatient to do multiple coats, so I just did one huge one that did drip a bit. Also, the edges aren't all that perfect either, but I figure they could be worse. Admittedly, they are pretty uncomfortable still, but I'm wearing them in so hopefully they will be wearable in time for school. I kind of made them not with the intention of wearing them for everyday stuff (seeing as they are sort of conspicuous) but instead for dances or other fun events at school, considering Reed has a good number of those. People usually get sort of dressed up for those things and I always resisted wearing heels because 1.) dancing in heels is amazing uncomfortable, even while inebriated which 2.) is often the state I am in during said events so being in unstable shoes is generally a bad idea, and 3.) I am already pretty tall so I don't like wearing heels too much anyway. So I think these will be a good solution.

They were super easy to make, I just mixed a good amount of glitter

with fabric glue

and painted it on.

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