Sometimes when I imagine two people meeting for the first time, I also imagine what they will say to each other. Like the other day, when my friend Holly* and I were discussing how her first week of the school year was going. She had mentioned that she is working at the freshman orientation. It had occurred to me that a few weeks prior I had noticed a friend’s Facebook status that had mentioned she was off to this very same school for this very same orientation. Her name is Lynn* and although I haven’t seen her in about three or four years, she still remains one of the nicest people that I have ever met. It just so happens that Holly is another one (and no I don’t consider everyone this nice, it just happens to be a coincidence, but it also probably means that this school is full of the nicest people ever and that if you ever are having a bad day, you should just fly there and be happy amongst the people). Anyway, it’s only natural that they should meet, obviously, so I mentioned this to Holly and of course warned her that she should under no circumstances mention my name and instead just gracefully happen across it in conversation (I haven’t seen this girl in years after all, it’s a little bit strange that I know what she is doing with her life- but I didn’t creep around, I promise, it was the first thing on my feed one evening). So here is there meeting according to me, it happens across a multiple day span, obviously I won’t come up until they get to know each other better:
Holly- Hello, I am Holly. What is your name?
Lynn- My name is Lynn. It’s nice to meet you.
I don’t want to bore you with their small talk so to summarize they would be very polite (duh) and ask the basic questions like how are you? What is your major? How do you like Pennsylvania so far? Are you excited to start freshman/sophomore year? Etc. (actually that’s probably it)
Holly- where are you from?
Lynn- Los Angeles
Holly- No way, me too, I’m from the valley
Lynn- Me Too!
Holly- oh do you play soccer and tennis?
Lynn- YES! How did you know?!
Holly-oh cool. I just figured.
Lynn- Alright, I’ll see you later, it was wonderful meeting you
(and no this abrupt ending would not seem awkward to either of them, in this imaginary conversation)
Lynn- Oh hey, Holly!
Holly- Hi Lynn!
(they are very excited to see each other, being nice people, this could be happening at any hour because nice people are nice at any hour)
Lynn- So do you know a lot of soccer and tennis players?
Holly- Oh I only know Molly who played soccer back in the day before she switched to running.
Lynn- OhMyGod. I used to play soccer with Molly, she was awesome
Holly- Wow! what a small world, she’s my good friend. I agree totally awesome.
Lynn- Now that we know the same Molly, we just have to be friends
Holly- Yes, and let’s see Molly when we go home to Los Angeles
End because I can’t go on with their long conversations as they will be friends for a long time.
*Names have been changed because I’ve always wanted to do that