Monday, August 22, 2011

Wool Cabled Beanie (with Pattern)

I finally finished that beanie I started a while ago. That one were I had to cast on LIKE FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES because I kept getting the gauge wrong/being paranoid about getting the gauge wrong. But I finally got it. Ta da!

Here's the detailing on the basic cable.

And on the open one.

And the ribbing.

On its happy new owner.

Note: This pattern (one repetition of the open and basic cable) is worked over 15 stitches. I used 120 stitches while making this hat, however it could be smaller, and if I was to do it again I would probably knock it down to 105. And I have a pretty darn big head.

Cast on 120 stitches on 4.5mm needles (US 7)
Row 1: K2, P2 rep til end
Continue with the 2x2 ribbing until it measures 7 cm (or however long you like)

*Switch to size 5.5 mm needles (US 9) because the cabling will be tighter than the ribbing*

Row 1: P3, K2, P1, K2, P3, K4
Row 2: P3, sl next 3 stitches on cable needle (1 purl stitch and 2 knit stitches), hold stitches on cable needle in back, K2, slip next purl stitch back to left hand needle and purl it, K2 from cable needle, P3, K4 rep til end
Row 3: P3, K2, P1, K2, P3, K4 rep til end
Row 4: P2, back cross, P1, front cross, P2, cross 2 L (basic cable) rep til end
Row 5: P2, K2, P3, K2, P2, K4 rep til end
Row 6: P1, back cross, P3, front cross, P1, K4 rep til end
Row 7, 8 & 9: P1, K2, P5, K2, P1, K4 rep til end
Row 10: P1, front cross, P3, back cross, P1, cross 2 L (basic cable) rep til end
Row 11: P2, K2, P3, K2, P2, K4 rep til end
Row 12: P2, front cross, P1, back cross, P2, K4 rep til end

Repeat this pattern until the hat is as long/tall as you like. I continued for 13 1/3 cm or 2 1/2 repetitions of the pattern. This was equal to 5 twists of the basic cable and 3 twists of the open cable.

Start decreasing somewhere in the middle of the pattern, I started at row 7. I honestly just made up the decrease as I went along but I'll try to remember generally how it was done. I started decreasing halfway through the pattern because I wanted the open cable to come together in the decrease, however now I kind of wish I'd crossed the open cable once more.

Row 1: P1, K2, P1, P2T, P2, K2, P1, K4 rep til end
Row 2: P1, K2, P1, P2T, P1, K2, P1, K4 rep til end
Row 3: P1, K2, P2T, P1, K2, P1 K4  rep til end
Row 4: P1, K2, P2T, K2, P1, K4 rep til end
Row 5: P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K1, K2T, K1 rep til end
Row 6: P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K2T, K1 rep til end
Row 7: P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K2T rep til end
Row 8: P1, K2T, P1, K2, P1, K1  rep til end
Row 9: P1 K1, P1, K2T, P1, K1  rep til end

Cut yarn leaving a long tail
Using a tapestry needle, thread yarn through remaining stitches
Weave ends in

Ugh, hopefully that made sense.

1/2 skein Lion Brand Yarn Fisherman's Wool Yarn in Birch Tweed

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